Cannabidiol, better known as CBD, is derived from the seeds of cannabis plants such as hemp and marijuana. However, it doesn’t contain THC, the compound responsible for marijuana’s psychoactive effects. It’s currently having a moment in the healthcare world for its seemingly endless list of benefits.

Thanks to recent scientific research, we’ve found that CBD oil can help the body and mind in a number of ways. Hair and skin health, stress reduction, better sleep, improved mood and reduced risk of diseases such as cancer are just some of the well-publicized benefits of CBD oil. But did you know that it can also help with muscle recovery?

Why Your Muscles Hurt After Exercise

Your body adapts to exercise strain by increasing the size and strength of your muscles. This is the result of microtears that happen over time due to tension. Your muscles hurt after a good session because of this damage, along with inflammation. While it’s completely normal and natural, the pain can detriment your ability to continue exercising.

Athletes have long searched for innovative ways to alleviate muscle pain and boost recovery times. Many methods exist, such as ice compression, which helps divert blood flow to other parts of the body, thus decreasing the soreness and inflammation in the affected muscles.

How CBD Works

Your body naturally contains cannabinoid receptor cells, which CBD binds to when you take it. These receptors are highly prevalent in nearly every organ in your body, as well as your nervous system. When the bond between cannabinoids and your receptors happens, it creates an optimum energy balance that affects your entire neural network.

How CBD Helps

One of the best-known properties of CBD oil is that it’s anti-inflammatory. CBD oil is also known to reduce stress, an emotion that many athletes owe to their inability to recover as fast as they’d like to. With this in mind, it doesn’t take a scientist to make the link between these two properties and muscle recovery.

While information surrounding this topic is still fairly vague due to the limited research done on CBD oil and muscle recovery, scientists do agree that rubbing it on your muscles or taking it orally can decrease inflammation. As for the best way to receive these benefits, let’s take a look at how you can use CBD oil.

How to Take CBD Oil for Muscle Recovery

When it comes to dosage amounts, a good rule of thumb is to take 1-6mg of CBD oil per 10 pounds of body weight based on how much pain you’re experiencing. Alternatively, you could start with 5-10mg per day and increase your dosage by 5mg until you feel it working.

While it’s advised to start small, even chronic amounts of 1500mg per day have reported to be well-tolerated by humans. You can obtain CBD oil in a number of forms ranging from edibles and capsules, to balms and lotions. Sabaidee offers a variety of affordable CBD oils with additional ingredients such as coconut oil for added health benefits.

Should I Try CBD Oil for Recovery?

As with any treatment, it’s better to first consult your doctor to ensure that CBD oil is suitable for you. Being derived from a plant, some people may experience an allergic reaction. It would be wise to spot test by applying a small amount onto your skin to determine whether your body is happy with it.

Aside from the potential it has to help you with muscle recovery, CBD oil is well worth trying out for its many other health benefits. Take a look at any health concerns that you currently have and it’s likely that CBD oil can alleviate at least one of them.