Here’s How To Stop Making Excuses And Stick To A Workout Plan – Monica May


We’ve all been there.

We start working out on a Monday, super excited and motivated to be completely dedicated this time.

However, by the end of the week (if not sooner) we start making excuses and all of our plans go down the drain.

Does this sounds familiar?

Of course it does. At some point it had happened to all of us.
And today we’re fixing it!

I’m going to give you a guide on how to finally stop making excuses and stick to a workout plan once and for all.

Let’s get started right away.

My 5 Steps To Stick To A Workout Plan

Truth be told, I’ve been making excuses and skipping workouts as much as anyone else.

Especially after transferring my workouts at home, it was a real challenge keeping up with my fitness routine.

However, I’ve managed to found a way to stick to my plan and it actually just takes few simple steps.

Let’s dive right into them!

workout plan

#1: Keep It Short

If you haven’t worked out for quite some time now, it’s going to be hard to get back on track.

We would all rather watch boring YouTube videos, or scrolling through social media feed instead of spending the time working out.

However, working out doesn’t have to take much of your time.

In fact, nowadays we know that we don’t have to spend hours at the gym to get body changing results.

Ain’t nobody got time for long workouts – we are all about fast, explosive and effective.

And fitness is actually all about how hard you work out, rather than how much time you spend working out.

The workouts don’t have to take hours of your day, and you don’t have to plan around them.

Dedicate only 20-30 minutes of your day for a fast sweat routine, but give everything you got.

Here's How To Stop Making Excuses And Stick To A Workout Plan

#2: Make Working Out Fun

Working out is a habit.

And we all know how hard it can be to stick to a habit.

In order to do so, you’ll have to be consistent, but also, you’ll have to have fun doing it – otherwise it easily becomes a chore.

In order to have fun when working out, your training sessions should be challenging and your plan shouldn’t repeat as much, with tons of different exercises and intervals that will keep you in that fat-burning zone, but also make working out an exciting experience overall.

And for me, the RADIATE Workout Program does all of that.

I’ve struggled to keep up with so many workout plans, so that’s why I finally decided to create one myself.

And this plan is anything but boring.

The workouts are:

  • short and explosive, but really effective (only 30 mins a day)
  • the exercises are non-repeating – over 150+ different exercises
  • it’s a video based program, so it’s really easy to follow – you just click play and follow along
  • there are different intervals throughout the program, so your body will never get bored

HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) is fun in general, and it’s the best way to burn fat and build muscles at the same time, while preforming fun and versatile workouts.

If you haven’t found a workout plan that does all of that for you, I warmly suggest you to try out the RADIATE plan.

You can try out Day 1 Week 1 today, I just uploaded it on my YouTube channel.


#3: Change Your Mindset

Working out is hard.

In fact I don’t think we talk enough about just how hard it is to go through a workout.

Your body is in pain, you are sweating as hell, your muscles are shaking, you can’t get your breath, the voice in your head screams STOP!

…do I need to keep going?

And to overcome this feeling and still manage to gather the strength to keep going and push through the workout, you have to be a real hero.
But also you have to know that you’re going to love it later.

Once you finish the workout there is a price, and I’m not even talking about body goals here. 

That feeling of satisfaction, and relief you get after finishing a workout is just amazing, and priceless, and I don’t even know if I can change it for anything else.

Embrace that feeling, and learn to love it.

Psst… Check out How Changing My Mindset Helped Me Lose Weight!

Once you learn to make fitness something you want to do, and feel powerful and strong when doing it, your mind will swap to wanting to exercise instead of doing it just because of getting fit.

“I have to workout” easily becomes “I get to workout” and that’s when you know you are hooked.

Hating it is a phase you have to overcome in order to stay hooked on it.

Today I can proudly say that fitness and workout are a part of my personality, and changing my mindset and perspective helped me do it.

fitness routine

#4: Be A Part Of A Community

Everything’s easier when you are surrounded by people who support you and cheer you up.

That’s why having a community behind you is crucial, especially nowadays.

Start following different fitness and workout groups, don’t be afraid to comment, ask questions, and get into discussions with like minded people.

Ask questions, read stories and share yours.

Having that sense of community helps everything feel easier and better.

That’s why I made a Facebook Group Board for my RADIATE babes.

We share workouts, struggles, before and after photos and discuss everything with each other.

The group is still small, but it’s growing everyday, and the love and support we get from one another is just everything!

#5: Learn To Rest

Even when you get into a solid workout routine, you’ll have days when you just don’t feel like working out, and that’s totally fine.

There are days when stress or fatigue from a busy day will just take over and it’s okay.

It’s OKAY to rest, it’s OKAY to take a day off, it’s OKAY to take a week off.
It doesn’t mean you’re making excuses because your feelings are valid.

Get comfortable with the fact that any movement is enough – even short walks and gentle yoga.

Just move, do what makes you feel good at the moment, and have fun!

We all need to rest sometimes, and that’s totally fine.

Take the rest you need, but make sure to jump right back in once you feel better.

Here's How To Stop Making Excuses And Stick To A Workout Plan

Now Let’s Get To Work!

I hope you like my 5 step plan for sticking to a workout plan.

These 5 steps helped me make working out a habit I love, and I truly believe they will help you to.

Head on to check out my RADIATE  program here, or try out Day 1 Week 1 of the program for FREE.

Till next time, babe!

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