We decided to dedicate this article to a topic that not many students think about when starting their life on campus far away from their parents. Health problems are not something that appears when you are on a pension with lots of grandchildren. You can start having them in college or even in high school. But when you live alone, you have to be able to make the right decisions and know how to act in any case of extraordinary situations. When you know the possible problems, it’s always easy for you to solve them. 


1. Bad posture

When people hear about bad posture, it does not scare them much because they do not imagine the possible consequences. Scoliosis and lordosis are the most common problems seen in students. This is mainly because they have to spend a lot of time sitting, doing a huge amount of written tasks, reading, analyzing, doing research, and so on. And since ergonomic chairs that help to maintain proper posture cost a fortune, few students can afford to buy one. Hence the frequent pain in the back and lower back. But these are the most obvious problems. If, for example, you ask a dentist about what is one of the causes of malocclusion and premature enamel wear-off, you will get a surprising answer for yourself: poor posture. Therefore, each student needs to monitor how he sits.


2. Eyesight problems

Another consequence of the time spent on studying can be eyesight problems. Pretty often, students turn out to have myopia or hyperopia. And because of that, they struggle when preparing for some exams or if they have to read a big book in a couple of days. When you wear glasses or contact lenses for a long time, your eyes, and sometimes even your head begins to hurt. Scientists recommend spending less time using tablets, laptops, or other gadgets, but for students, it’s almost impossible because of all the tasks they have to do daily. As a small way out, when you have such an opportunity, find a reliable writing service and delegate some paperwork to them. The only thing you have to keep in mind is that you should read some reviews before choosing the service. For example, you can read WritePaperForMe reviews, and it will help you to understand that if you order an essay from them, you will not have any problems. 


3. Migraines

Another health issue pretty typical for students nowadays is migraine. If you don’t know what it is, consider yourself lucky. It’s a severe headache that can last for several days. Many students, especially during exams, can suffer from this problem. One of the reasons can also be bad posture. Sometimes they can also be caused by weather changes, so the hypotonics and hypertonics should be especially careful during these periods.  


4. Respiratory illnesses 

When you live in a considerably small place with a big number of neighbors, like any campus in any college, there is always a great risk of getting a respiratory illness or, if you are contagious, becoming the reason for someone else’s respiratory illness. Thanks to Covid -19 now we all know how it works. The most typical issues in dorms are a cold or flu. And even though they seem to be not very serious health problems, it’s always important to remember that it’s impossible to foresee what system of your body flu will influence. So, in case of any malaise, it’s better not to attend classes and try to minimize contact with other people. 


5. Stress, depression, and anxiety 

Many future freshmen experience stress for the first time during admission. When they begin to understand that the decision they make now will affect their entire future lives. During this period, parents need to support their children. And we have such an opportunity. When a student has already enrolled and started his independent life, the level of stress may continue to increase, which can gradually develop into anxiety, OCD, or even depression. If you notice symptoms of depression in yourself, it is best to seek professional help as soon as possible.


6. Eating disorders

Do you often buy yourself a cake to get rid of feelings of anxiety or to not be sad? Have you ever tried to “eat stress”? Or perhaps you felt ashamed because you ate too much? If you answered yes to at least one question, are you a person who could potentially have eating disorders? And even if, at first glance, these problems do not seem serious, then diseases such as anorexia and bulimia can have irreparable consequences for your body.


7. Sleeping disorders

And last but not least on our list are sleeping disorders. The percentage of students who have insomnia or those who cannot relax and feel tired even when they sleep enough is high nowadays. Even if coffee helps you to wake up and function during the day, you should consider visiting the doctor because in the future the problem can worsen.