“10 Tips To Stay In Shape This Summer” – Monica May




If you haven’t noticed already, summer is my favorite time of the year!

However, I know it can be a struggle if you are not completely satisfied with your body goals.

First thing’s first, let me tell you that you are beautiful no matter what size you are, and you should not worry about today’s society’s beauty standards.
You are unique and beautiful and to get the summer body you just need to get in your favorite bikini :)

However, if your goal is to get healthier and maybe get fit this summer, I have the perfect bikini body guide for you.

My 10 tips will help you stay in shape during the hot summer days.

These are the habits that get me bikini ready for years, and I can’t wait to share them with you!

Without further ado, let’s jump right into them.

#1: Start Your Day With Lemon Water

Starting my day with ice-cold lemon water has been my habit for a long time, especially during the summer days.

This is a habit I gained a few years back and I still to this day stick to it.

Hydration overall is essentially good for our bodies, but hydration in the morning with few drops of freshly squeezed lemon juice can make an even bigger difference for your health.

It boosts your metabolism, flushes out toxins, promotes weight loss, and helps you burn more calories, especially if it’s ice cold.

#2: Do A Short High Intensity Workout

Right after I wake up, I like to shake things up and do a fast 20-30 minute sweat session.

It’s usually one of my favorite HIIT videos of my all-in-one Radiate program.

Doing a short HIIT workout on an empty stomach helps with maintaining a healthy weight and burning a decent amount of calories right at the beginning of the day.

You can just go to YouTube and type “morning HIIT workout” or “HIIT workout for beginners”.

However, if you’re up for starting a workout program, no worries – I got you!

Check out my video based workout program RADIATE and start getting in shape today!

HIIT is an amazing way to get fit if you don’t have much time to workout.

It’s a fast and explosive way to blast the fat off while not tapping into those lean muscles.

It’s literally how I got my beach body in the first place.

#3: Take A Cold Shower

I always do my summer showers fast and cold especially, since this way it has a lot more benefits for your body and your health.

While warm water causes your blood vessels to dilate and relax, a cold shower wakes and shakes them up.

Meaning, when exposed to a cold temperature, the arteries begin to rapidly pump hot blood by increasing circulation and shaking up the body.

A cold shower prepares your body for the upcoming daily activities, plus it’s amazing for the skin too.

#4: Eat A Balanced Breakfast

Exercise may help you build the body of your dreams, but nutrition is what really matters when it comes to getting in shape and staying healthy overall.

And when it comes to eating healthy and keeping your nutrition on point, breakfast is the most important thing especially in my summer body routine.

I ALWAYS make sure to keep it balanced and clean.

In my all-in-one RADIATE Program you can find so many healthy and balanced breakfast ideas and recipes you can use to start your day right.

From seasonal fruits, whole oats, probiotics, nuts and seeds, your breakfast will make sure to load you with the nutrients needed to start the day right and keep healthy throughout the summer days.

Also, if you start your day healthy and clean, you are most likely to keep it up healthy for the rest of it.

Here are some of my favorite balanced breakfast ideas > 5 Fit & Healthy Breakfast Recipes Ready In 5 Minutes.

#5: Keep Your Snacks Healthy Too

Snacks are always on the bad rep for no reason. As long as you make sure your snacks are coming from healthy sources, you’re all set.

Here’s a list of the go-to snacks I usually have whenever I have friends over or just feel like snacking in between my meals > 20 Easy Healthy Snacks.

#6: Target The ABS

Well, it’s crop-top season after all.

I don’t usually do split training sessions, and I don’t believe in spot training.

However, when I’m getting bikini ready I add a 10 min AB blaster at the end of my training sessions.

By targeting the abs in my summer body routine, I make sure to make them pop out while burning some extra fat along the way.

Here’s the workout I usually do:


#7: Eat Seasonal Produce

I swear by the RADIATE Meal Plan.

However, I make sure to make the changes in it usually regarding the seasons.

One of the reasons summer is my favorite time of the year is because seasonal fruits and veggies are exploding with colors everywhere around us.

In-season fruits and veggies are healthier, loaded with more nutrients vitamins and minerals, taste better and cost less.

However, It can be a bit confusing knowing what’s in the season – when, so head on to my shopping hacks to get the list for the summer months > What’s In Season?

#8: Walk Or Bike Everywhere

You may be thinking, yeah right. But let me tell you one thing about weight loss and fitness:

The biggest difference isn’t in the big things you do once every now and then. It’s the small things you do on a daily basis, that makes the biggest difference.

And one of those things is transport.

Getting in your car is the easiest and usually, the fastest way to get from point A to point B.

However, it’s most certainly not the healthiest way.
So, to make sure you squeeze in an activity, I use different transportation – my legs.

I walk or run everywhere, and for more distant routes I bike.

It helps me stay active and burn a few more calories.

#9: Avoid Alcohol, Juices & Unhealthy Drinks

If you’ve read my nutrition guide ‘The Hungry Fit Girl” you already know why alcohol is bad for you and why you should avoid it if you want to keep healthy and fit.

It’s literally empty calories, that’s loaded with bad sugars and fast digesting carbs that are just bad for your body, gut, and health overall.

And on top of all of the bad things, alcohol does for me, it also makes me cheat on my diet and feel cranky and skip my workouts the day after.

Not to mention making the cellulite on my legs more visible because it dehydrates my body.

I know that’s weird but it’s a thing I noticed a while ago.

That’s why I make sure to keep my alcohol to a minimum, even completely avoiding it, especially during the hot summer months.

The same stands for all sorts of juices and other unhealthy full of calorie drinks.

Instead, I hydrate with infused water throughout the day.

#10: Always Keep Yourself Motivated

And last, motivation is the key to anything in life. If you are motivated you’ll do it, if not you’ll find an excuse.

That’s why it’s really important to keep motivating yourself daily of why you started, why staying in shape and keeping it healthy is so important, why it’s crucial for you to keep going and why you should never ever give up.

Here’s my collection of Beach Body Motivational Posters you have to check out.

Now Let’s Get Salty!

Ocean air, salty hair, don’t care!

Include at least a few of my summer habits and you’ll be one step closer to that summer body you’ve always wanted.

You’ll not only get beach ready, but you’ll make sure to include some amazingly healthy habits for life.

Don’t forget to share them with your friends!

Till next time, babes!