Many people wonder if they can eat nuts on keto.

Well, the answer depends on the type of nuts. Some nuts are low in carbs and high in fat. They are suitable for consumption on a ketogenic diet.

You need to avoid nuts that are high in carbs, as they can disrupt your diet. If you are on the keto diet, you can include certain nuts in your diet. These nuts are rich in fat, so they are perfect for keto. Brazil nuts, Macadamia, and pecans are the most common keto nuts. 

The best nuts for the keto diet have about half of their total carbs in the form of fiber. It won’t raise blood sugar and keep you in ketosis. Almonds and peanut butter are popular keto snacks, and they’re high in protein and fiber. 

Pine nuts are a good source of protein and fat, which help curb hunger. However, make sure you don’t eat too many nuts as they can easily surpass your daily keto limit. To keep track of your keto diet, you can also use the Keto Cycle app. However, before you install this app, check out our detailed review. 

What Are Keto Nuts?

Keto nuts are rich in fat and low in carbs. These are the nuts that you can eat on the keto diet. Among nuts, pecans have the lowest carb content, at only 1 g net carbs. Despite the low carb content, pecans are a great source of magnesium, phosphorus, and thiamine.

Pecans are the nut that offers the best carb/fat ratio for people following the keto diet. One ounce contains only 4 grams of carbs, which is an ideal ratio for a ketogenic diet. 

Brazil nuts are another high-fat nut to include in a ketogenic diet. While they aren’t high-carb, they are full of essential vitamins and minerals. They also help reduce the risk of heart disease. 

If you are following a keto, you can add these nuts to your diet. It will help you to lose weight fast and stay full for a long time. Nuts are easy to consume and offer various other health benefits, but you should eat them in the right quantity. 

Can You Eat Nuts on Keto?

Yes, you can eat nuts on keto, but you need to be mindful of the type and amount of nuts. Nuts can be a part of your diet on keto if you choose the right type. Some types of nuts are higher in fat than others and should be consumed in moderation. 

Pecans, macadamia nuts, and Brazil nuts all have low carbohydrate content. These nuts are also rich in fiber. Their high fiber content makes them low in net carbs, which makes them ideal for keto diets.

Some nuts can be tempting to overeat. Since they are high in fat, it may be tempting to snack on them in between meals. However, their high-fat content may tamper with your weight loss goals. 

Despite their high fat and fiber content, nuts aren’t the only food you can eat on a ketogenic diet. Some types of nuts are high in carbs, but other types contain low carbs and high amounts of protein. Nuts should be limited to a handful unless you want to indulge in a particularly rich snack.

What Nuts Have the Lowest Carbs?

If you’re looking for a healthy snack, look no further than nuts. You’ll find a number of different types that are low in carbohydrates, with pecan being the lowest. Not only are they delicious and healthy, but they also provide essential trace minerals. 

One ounce of pecan nuts contains 196 calories and 20 g of fat. Apart from that, it contains 3 g protein, 4 g total carbs, and 1 g net carb. You will also get 3 g of fiber in these nuts. They are high-fat and keto-friendly. If you are on keto, you can eat 1 ounce of pecan nuts every day. 

Brazil nuts and macadamia nuts also have the lowest carbs per serving, i.e., 1g and 2g net carbs. These nutritious nuts are packed with protein, fiber, and healthy fats. Plus, they add crunch and flavor to dishes, making them a great snack in between meals. 

How Many Almonds Can I Eat on Keto?

If you’re trying to lose weight on a ketogenic diet, you may be wondering how many almonds you can eat a day. Although almonds are considered a healthy food, they can be high in calories. To get a good idea of how many calories an almond has, look up its nutrition facts. 

Almonds contain 164 calories, 6 grams protein, 14 grams fat, 3 grams fiber, 5 grams total carbs, and 2 grams net carbs. While almonds have many health benefits, you should eat too much of them. It is best to eat 1 ounce of almonds if you are on keto. 

Almonds are an excellent keto snack, but they do have a high-fat content. You should be careful not to consume more than an ounce a day. However, an ounce is about the same as a handful of almonds. Also, be sure to choose unsalted almonds, as salted ones have high amounts of sodium and carbs.

What Nuts Are Keto?

If you’re following the Keto Diet, you’ll know which nuts are safe to eat on the plan. You’ll want to stick with pecan, walnuts, macadamia nuts, and brazil nuts. They have solid macronutrient profiles and won’t put you over your daily carb limit. Below is a list of popular keto nuts.

  • Pecans

Pecans are one of the best nuts for a ketogenic diet. They are low in carbs and high in fat. An ounce of pecans contains just 1g of net carbs. Pecans contain 20g of fat and 196 calories per ounce. Pecans are good sources of fiber and important vitamins and minerals. They also provide a high amount of magnesium, zinc, and copper. They have a low carb and high fiber content, which make them a good choice for ketogenic dieters. 

  • Macadamia Nuts

One of the most popular snacks on the keto diet is macadamia nuts. They are high in fat but are also low in carbohydrates. They are the perfect high-fat snack. Moreover, they can be used to replace higher-carb versions of many foods. In addition, they contain soluble fiber, which helps regulate cholesterol levels. Macadamia nuts are an excellent choice for the keto diet because they contain 2 g of net carbs.  

  • Brazil Nuts

When it comes to the keto diet, the Brazil nut is the perfect snack food. They contain only 1g of net carbs per serving and contain essential vitamins and minerals. Plus, they have a nice crunch and are very satisfying between meals. In addition, they help regulate blood sugar levels. Brazil nuts are a great choice for the keto diet because of their high-fat content. 

  • Walnuts

Walnut is one of the best nuts for the keto diet. It contains health-promoting nutrients, including B vitamins, zinc, iron, and fiber. A single ounce of walnuts contains 185 calories and about 18 grams of fat. They are also a good source of fiber and contain antioxidants. Although nuts are packed with calories, they are great as a quick snack. It contains less than 2 g net carbs. 

  • Almonds

Most experienced keto dieters know that almonds are the best nuts. While it is tempting to try and eat all nuts, a few of them are better for the keto diet than others. Almond flour is often used for keto-friendly pancakes. When you’re trying to stick to a keto diet, it’s important to find a good balance of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. Almonds are low in carbohydrates and have low fat, so you can eat them with confidence. 

  • Pistachios

Pistachios are an excellent substitute for breadcrumbs in keto diet recipes. You can grind pistachios into a nut meal that replicates the texture of breadcrumbs. Or, you can grind pistachios to make pistachio butter. Pistachios are a great snack for keto dieters. And, they’re a great way to add protein to your diet. Pistachios are also higher in sodium, so it’s not a good idea to eat a lot of them.

  • Hazelnuts

Hazelnuts are an excellent choice if you’re on a ketogenic diet. This kind of nut has few calories and carbs and is also beneficial for the heart. One ounce of hazelnuts has 5 grams of carbs. Hazelnuts are often used in baking. Their smooth texture is ideal for keto diet recipes. Hazelnuts have the same amount of net carbohydrates as walnuts. But they are rich in healthy fats and fiber. 

A Word From Our Nutritionist

Generally, nuts are allowed on a ketogenic diet, though their status depends on the type, size, and serving. However, if you want to lose weight, you may want to limit your nut intake and monitor your macronutrient intake.

Besides being rich in fiber, nuts also provide a good source of protein and healthy fat. Nuts are also low in net carbohydrates, making them a great addition to your daily diet. 

I recommend eating 1 ounce of pecan nuts, Brazil nuts, and Macadamia nuts if you are on keto. These nuts are high in fat and contain only 1 to 2 g of net carbs. 

This makes them ideal for people on stricter low-carb diets. You can add these nuts to your daily diet to stay fuller for a long time. But make sure you don’t overeat them.


If you are looking for a perfect keto snack, look no further than keto nuts. As the name goes, these nuts have low carbs and are perfect for snacking. Out of all the nuts, the best ones for keto are Pecan, Macadamia, and Brazil nuts. The high-fat content of these nuts makes them perfect for people on the keto diet. You can eat one ounce of these nuts while practicing keto.