‘7 Reasons Why You Should Do Squats – Benefits Of Squats’ – Monica May


Squats are an amazing exercise.

They are my personal favorite ones, and they take a huge part in my everyday workout routine.

After I’ve shown you the Full Leg Workout Routine and how to get sexy legs, now it’s time to see why the squats are so important.

The first exercise when it comes to leg workout, and the most important of all, is always squat.

It works so many muscles, not only legs and booty, but upper body, and core too.

I prefer doing them with some sort of weights because I think they are more effective that way. 

However, there are plenty of variations you can do free-weighted or using a band, you can see more here: How To Squat Right – The Best Squat Variations & Front Squat Form

There are so many more benefits of squats in general, and today we’re learning all about them.

So let’s get started!

7 Reasons Why You Should Do Squats - Benefits Of Squats

Benefits Of Squats
1. Tones the Legs

First of all, squats are the most important exercise when it comes to your legs.

They are actually the one exercise that always comes first on your leg day.

Squat exercises thoroughly engage every single leg muscle:

  • quadriceps,
  • hamstrings,
  • calf muscles.

This helps in the process of toning and strengthening your legs.

As you squat down every single day, you get closer to your goal – getting sexy toned legs.

2. Maximize The Fat Burn

Squats are also beneficial when it comes to burning fat.

Since they recruit all of your lower body, they act an effective fat-burning exercise.

When doing squats, you are burning a lot of calories, so that means you are burning a lot of fat.

Through the squat movement, you’re not only shaping your leg muscles, you’re maximizing the calorie burn.

And when done in intervals, squats will help you burn fat even hours after finishing the workout.

If done with the right weight range, one set of squats is proven to burn a lot more calories, compared to any other exercise.

3. Helps Your Booty Grow

Another amazing benefit of squats is that they help your booty grow.

Who needs butt exercises, when we have squads, right?!

Squats are the most important exercise when it comes to growing bigger and stronger butt too.

They target almost every glute muscle if done in variations.

If you use a booty band, you can target the side booty and hip dips.

Check out my booty workout including squats right now!


4. Strengthens the ABS

In addition to targeting the lower body, squats target the core muscles too.

Starting from the rectus abdominis and the obliques, to the transverse abdominis.

However, it targets the erector spinae the most, which is a core muscle in the back of the core.

A strong core is crucial in fitness. 

It helps you gain stability, burn more fat, and get stronger overall.

If you do squats regulary, you’ll get a significant amount of muscle activation in your erector spinae and the core in general.

However, you should keep your 

5. Increases Flexibility

Doing squats increase your whole-body flexibility.

Starting from:

  • ankles
  • knees
  • hips
  • lower back

Proper flexibility goes hand in hand with a full range of motion exercises such as squats and deadlifts, which are major muscle builders at the same time.

So many body parts are engaged in the squatting motion, just make sure to maintain proper form in order to avoid injury.

6. Boost Your Sports Performance


Doing squats will boost your sports performance.

That means, that squats will make you jump higher and run faster!

This is actually why this exercise is a part of the professional athlete’s training program.

Squats are actually a huge part of my Burn Baby Burn workout program too.

Why? Because it’s a hell of an exercise, with countless fat burning variations.

You can check my top 5 squat variations here > How To Squat Right – The Best Squat Variations.

7. Makes You Stronger

Squats can actually help you improve both your upper and lower body strength.

They make you stronger not only when it comes to the muscles they target, but bones and whole body too.

Not to mention in the daily activities such as going up and down the stairs, jumping and running.

Now Let’s Do Some Squats!

I hope I helped you learn the amazing benefits of squats, and inspire you to include this hell of an exercise in your workout routine.

If you are looking for a workout program to follow, head on to check out my BBB Workout Program!

7 Reasons Why You Should Do Squats - Benefits Of Squats


Till next time babes!

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