After a long winter of hibernation, the time to bloom has finally arrived.

It’s Spring!

And as “bikini season” is getting closer and closer, spring is the perfect time to start getting ready for that summer body we’ve always wanted.

It’s true! “Summer bodies” are made all year long. However, it’s the spring that has that last call.

You could eat healthy all year long, but if you get off the wagon in spring you might ruin all of your efforts.

That’s why I made 6 steps to find your way to the summer body in spring.

As spring is that time of the year dedicated to new beginnings and making those changes, let’s do that change we’ve always wanted NOW!

Let’s finally take that step and find our way to that summer body right now!

1. Clean Up Your Diet

If you are already maintaining a healthy diet – KEEP IT UP!

If you are not – START RIGHT NOW! It’s never too late to start eating healthy, so do it asap.

Eating healthy food is the most important thing when it comes to losing weight and getting fit.

By eating the right foods, you will lose the excess fat in your body and feed those hungry muscles with proteins to help them get strong and lean.

From processed foods to sweets and junks, clean up your diet of anything that’s not healthy and you’ll be one step closer to your summer body.

And if you are not sure how to do it, check out my 28-Day Meal Plan (Pssst.. it’s on SALE!!!)

2. Start Moving

Healthy food will help you get rid of the fat, but working out will get you to those curves and toned muscles you’ve always desired + will help you burn more fat.

Any kind of workout that makes you sweat – DO IT!

From running, to HIIT and strength training, everything will do.

However, this is not the time to go for long boring cardio sessions – this is the time you need to welcome explosive and fast workouts with lots of muscle toning movements.

I am exercising the Burn Baby Burn Workout Program at this moment and it works amazing, especially if you want huge results in the shortest amount of time.

It’s a 28-day body changing workout program, you have to try out. The training sessions are short ~30 minutes but so effective – you’ll feel it yourself.

No matter what workout you’ll decide to go for, do it at least 4 times a week and make sure it’s a sweaty one.

3. Do A Spring Clearance

And I’m not thinking about “juice detox” or anything like that. I am thinking about the only detox you’ll ever need and that is WATER.

Increase your daily water intake and make water a habit this spring. 8 glasses of water a day should become a regular.

Also, spring is known for a lot of seasonal veggies and fruits, so make sure to include them in your everyday diet.

Especially veggies and greens that are loaded with water and low in sugar, such as cucumbers, lemons, spinach, kale, lettuce, cabbage.

4. Try Out Some Supplements

Supplements are a great way to speed up the weight loss process and rush your way to that dream body.

I don’t believe in “fat-burning” pills and formulas and other similar magic solutions.

However, I do believe in the power of certain supplements such as proteins, amino acids and pre-workouts.

They are not necessarily needed to get fit (you can do just fine without them), however, they can help in speeding up the weight loss and muscle toning process.

Here’s my Girl’s Guide To Supplements, to help you learn the benefits of the most popular fitness supplements on the market.

5. Do It With A Plan

Never underestimate the process of planning in weight loss and fitness. It’s a crucial one, especially when it comes to staying on track.

Here’s my Fit Babe Fitness Planner you could print out and use to keep track of your daily activities, diet, water intake, results and a bunch of other stuff important for your fitness journey.

6. Keep Yourself Motivated

And last, motivation is the key to anything in life. If you are motivated you’ll do it, if not you’ll find an excuse.

That’s why it’s really important to keep motivating yourself daily of why you started, why getting that summer body is so important, why it’s crucial for you to keep going and why you should never ever give up.

Here’s my collection of Beach Body Motivational Posters you have to check out.

Now, Start Working On That Summer Body!